Excel/Perspectives Tips

Synchronising Excel data

. to reduce the probability of crashing your Excel, disable Automatic Calculation : Go to Tools->Options-> Calculation Tab then click on the Manual button

You can use:

  • F9 to manually refresh all the open workbooks
  • Shift F9 to refresh only the current worksheet
  • F2 and Enter key (i.e. edit cell) to refresh only 1 cell


In TM1 9.4.1, the spreadsheets will recalculate automatically when opening a workbook, or changing a SUBNM despite automatic calc is disabled.
From the Excel top menu, click Insert->Name->Define
.In the Define Name dialog box, input TM1REBUILDOPTION
.Set the value in the Refers to box to 0 and click OK.

Avoid multiple dynamic slices

Multiple dynamic TM1 slices in several sheets in a workbook might render Excel unstable and crash. Some references might get messed up too.

E10) Data directory not found

If you are getting the e10) data directory not found popup error when loading Perspectives, you need to define the data directory of your local server, even if you do not want to run a local server.
Go to Files->Options and enter a valid folder in the Data Directory box. if that box is greyed out then you need to edit manually the variable in your tm1p.ini stored on your PC.

DataBaseDirectory= C:\some\path\

Alternatively you can modify the setting directly from Excel with the following VBA code:
Application.Run("OPTSET", "DatabaseDirectory", "C:\some\path")


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