The FILTER function is used to filter the dimension based on some kind of data values rather than just the members and their hierarchy on their own. This data might be cube data (numeric or string) or attribute data. This requires a change of thinking from straightforward single dimensions (lists with a hierarchy and occasionally some attributes) to a multi-dimensional space, where every dimension in these cubes must be considered and dealt with.
This example returns the leaf members of Product that have an Amount value in the Test cube above zero.
[Test].([Posting Measures].[Amount]) > 0 )}
Since the Test cube only has 2 dimensions – Product and Posting Measures this is a simplistic example. Most cubes will have more than just the dimension being filtered and the dimension with the filter value in. However, it is simple to extend the first example to work in a larger cube.
This example returns the leaf members of Product that have an Amount value for All Entities in the Test3 cube above zero.
[Test3].([Entity].[All Entities],[Posting Measures].[Amount]) > 0 )}
As you can see from the above, simply include all the requisite dimension references inside the round brackets. Usually you will just need a specific named member (e.g. ‘All Entities’). If the dimension is omitted then the CurrentMember is used instead which is similar to using !dimension (i.e. “for each”) in a TM1 rule, and could return different results at a different speed.
Instead of just using a hardcoded value to filter against (zeroes in the examples above), this example returns all products with an amount in the Test cube greater than or equal to the value in the cell [MidasJCFI, Amount].
[Test].([Posting Measures].[Amount]) >=
[Test].([Product].[MidasJCFI],[Posting Measures].[Amount])
This query returns the products that have a Rate value in Test2 greater than MidasJXCO's Rate in Test2. Now, this query just returns a set of products – it’s up to you which cube you display these products in – i.e. you can run this while browsing Test and therefore return what looks like an almost random set of products but the fact is that the query is filtering the list of products based on data held in Test2. This may not immediately appear to be useful but actually it is, and can be extremely useful – for example display the current year’s sales for products that were last year’s worst performers. If the data for two years was held in different cubes then this would be exact same situation as this example. There are often many potential uses for displaying a filtered/focused set of data in Cube B that is actually filtered based on data in Cube A.
[Test].([Posting Measures].[Amount]) >=
[Test2].([Product].[MidasJXCO],[Rate Measures].[Rate])
As detailed elsewhere, Tail returns the final member(s) of a set. An example of when it is handy when used with Filter would be for finding the last day in a month where a certain product was sold. The simple example below initially filters Product to return only those with an All Entity Amount > 0, and then uses tail to return the final Product in that list.
[Test3].( [Entity].[All Entities], [Posting Measures].[Amount]) > 0
Note: with the 'other' cubes having more dimensions than does Test the current member is used (‘each’), not 'All' so whether you want ‘each’ or ‘All’ you should write this explicitly to be clearer.
You can even filter a list in Cube1 where the filter is a value in one measure compared to another measure in Cube1. This example returns the Products with an amount in the Test cube above zero where this Amount is less than the value in Count.
(Test.[Posting Measures].[Amount] 0
This example returns all the leaf products that have an Amount in Entity Not Applicable 10% greater than the Amount in Entity Not Found, in the Test3 cube. Not very useful but this was the only example cube we had to work with, but it would be very useful when comparing, say, Actual Q1 Sales with Budget, or finding out which cost centres’ Q2 Costs were 10% higher than Q1. Later in this document we will see how to take that 10% bit and make it a value from another cube, thus allowing administrators, or even end users, to set their own thresholds.
{FILTER(TM1FilterByLevel({TM1SUBSETALL( [Product] )}, 0),
test3.([Entity].[Entity Not Applicable], [Posting Measures].[Amount]) * 1.1 > test3.([Entity].[Entity Not Found], [Posting Measures].[Amount]))}
Filtering for strings uses the same method but you need to use double quotes to surround the string. For example, this query returns products that have a value of “bob” in the Test2 cube against the String1 member from the StringTest dimension. Note that TM1 is case-insensitive.
[Test2].([StringTest].[String1]) = "bob"
Filter functions can be nested if required, although the AND or INTERSECT functions may be useful alternatives.
The limit to the number of characters that an MDX subset definition can sometimes be, 256, is too restricting for many data-based queries. When trying to shoehorn a longer query into less characters there are a few emergency techniques that might help: consider whether you need things like TM1FILTERBYLEVEL, 0 (it might well be that the filter would only return members at the leaf level by definition anyway); whether the dimension name prefix can be removed if the member is guaranteed to be unique; remove all spaces; lookup cubes are not for end users so maybe you could shorten some names (cubes, dimension, members) drastically; whether there are alternative functions with shorter syntaxes that return the same result - e.g. an INTERSECT or AND versus a triple FILTER. Finally, if it really is vital to get a long query working then you can build up the final result in stages – i.e. put some of the filtering into Subset1, then use Subset1 as the subject of Subset2 which continues the filtering, etc.
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