Main navigation
The TM1 cookbook
A TM1 cookbook
- Users
- A closer look at dynamic slices
- Attributes
- Bulk reporting
- Commenting out portions of code in TI
- Creating temporary views
- Debugging
- Dynamic SQL queries with TI parameters
- Dynamic formatting
- Padding zeroes
- Renaming elements
- Rules
- Scheduling chores on calendar events
- Send email/attachments
- Silent failures
- TM1 lint
- Pimp my PAW
- TM1 operators
Creating Dynamic Subsets in Applix TM1 with MDX - A Primer
- What is a MDX-based dynamic subset in TM1?
- How to create a MDX-based subset in TM1
- How to create a static subset with MDX
- How to create a dynamic subset with MDX
- Syntax and Layout
- The example model used
- TM1SubsetAll, Members, member range
- Select by Level, Regular Expression (Pattern) and Ordinal
- TM1Sort, TM1SortByIndex and Order
- TopCount and BottomCount
- Filter, by values, strings and attributes
- Parent, Children, FirstChild, LastChild, Ancestors, Descendants, DrillDownLevel and TM1DrilldownMember
- Lag, Lead, NextMember, PrevMember, FirstSibling, LastSibling, Siblings and LastPeriods
- Filtering by CurrentMember, NextMember, PrevMember, Ancestor and FirstSibling
- Filtering by Attributes and logical operators
- Head, Tail and Subsetw
- Union
- Intersect
- Except and Validating Dimension Hierarchies
- ToggleDrillState
- Using TM1 Subsets, TM1Member and TM1SubsetToSet
- Username and StrToMember
- Data-based queries, Filter, Sum, Avg and Stdev
- Using parameters in queries
- Generate
- Count and IIF
- Comments
- The fallacy of blb files
- Turbo Integrator highlighters
- Zero out portions
- Backup
- Beware of Performance Monitor defaults spamming transaction log
- Documenting TM1
- Dynamic tm1p.ini and homepages in Excel
- Locking and updating locked cubes
- Managing the licenses limit
- Monitor rules and processes
- Monitoring chores by email
- Monitoring chores by email part 2
- Monitoring users logins
- Pushing data from an iSeries to TM1
- Quick recovery from data loss
- Store any type of files in the Applications folder
- TM1 Sudoku
- TM1 services on the command line
- TM1Top
- WebSphere Liberty Profile SSL configuration for TM1Web
- tm1s.cfg parameters cheatsheet